 | | SPICE WhatsApp Group
St Christopher's church has a WhatsApp group that keeps members in touch with each other. This was set up in lockdown and is now a permenant feature.
SPICE means Support, Pray, Inform, Connect, Encourage.
So, news, updates, matters for prayer, spiritual input, requests for help or information, even just messages of support to those stuck at home.
To join the group, contact our pastoral team (pastoralteam@pottshrigleychurch.org.uk) with your mobile number. |
Coronavirus Update 4/3/2022
I’m pleased to share with you the latest round of easing of coronavirus restrictions agreed by our ‘church-wardens group’.
With immediate effect, there is no need to book to attend either service.
Other restrictions which have been removed include
the reduced duration of the 10.45 service (limited to 3-4 hymns, 1 reading);
Not using the pulpit or lectern
the ban on having/distributing a paper notice sheet, on taking the Collection Plates around during the service, on using service and hymn books;
These are all matters to which we will give thought as to how to re-introduce them in appropriate ways.
Starting in April, Our 10.45 will join our 8.30 service in having both bread and wine at communion (wafer dipped in wine), and we will go up to the rail to receive it – whilst avoiding crowding. A handshake or hug as a sign of peace will also be permitted with those immediately around us (if we and they wish!).
For now we will retain:
Ventilation – though we will try to moderate this depending on if the day is windy or still.
Request that those who can do so wear a mask indoors.
Request that people spread themselves out around church to use all the available space.
Refreshments when available will be outdoors – but people can return indoors to consume them.
We hope that we have achieved a balance, however imperfect, between giving more freedom as we gather, whilst providing a measure of protection, especially of the vulnerable. Thanks all for your patience and understanding – and our wardens’ group for their dedication and leadership; as the era of booking comes to an end, special thanks to Duncan, who has handled it throughout, with efficiency and graciousness.
Coronavirus Update 21/7/2021
From Sunday 25th July, services will continue at 8.30am and 10.45am as usual. If weather permits the 10.45am will be outdoors (no booking required). Booking is still required for 8.30am & 10.45am (if indoors).
Until Sunday 5th September our services will NOT be live-streamed. However, a recording of each Sunday's sermon will be available from the YouTube channel shortly after the service.
Additionally a pre-recorded service will be made available each Sunday from 10.30am via our YouTube channel
This website will not be updated during the summer but links to services, sermons & last minute updates on outdoor/indoor status will be posted on our Facebook Group.
Coronavirus Update 7/3/2021
From Sunday 7th March, services will resume in church.
Coronavirus Update 7/1/2021
From Sunday 10th January, services will revert to a single online ONLY service at 10.45am. David Swales writes:
You may have heard that over the last 24 hours the wardens, PCC and myself have been discussing whether or not to go back to ‘online only’ worship for a while. We have decided that that is the responsible course of action, so, from this Sunday, we will have a 10.45 service live-streamed, led by me in church (but with our technicians operating remotely from home) – as it was towards the end of the first lockdown.
It is regrettable that we cannot for now continue with a congregation in church – throughout this crisis we have been one of the first churches to re-open live worship, and one of the last to close it. We are particularly mindful of those for whom ‘on-screen’ worship at home is difficult or impossible: and yet many of these are also in the more vulnerable category, and shouldn’t feel pressure to attend. It behoves us all, therefore, to reach out, as many have been doing, to those who may feel more isolated, so that they know themselves still to be God’s Church – even if they can’t join fully in its worship.
Can I pay tribute to the whole church family at this point. We could fairly expect there to be a weariness by now as we have once again to adjust our practices and curtail our actions: congregation members who long to worship in church, and mix properly with Christian brothers and sisters; wardens, cleaners and others who are fed up with seating plans, masks and sanitiser; our technical team who put hours every week into preparing and streaming our worship. And for anyone who is feeling that weariness, that is quite understandable - we are finite human beings! But what I continually come up against is a cheerful willingness, a gracious, positive, can-do, attitude, and an appreciation of the ways in which God - whose grace is infinite - continues to bless us.
Coronavirus Update 2/12/2020
From Sunday 6th December, services will resume in church.
Details of all services in December and January (including which one will be live-streamed) can be found in HotPott or by following this link
Please let us know if you plan to attend either service (contact Duncan Matheson, 01625 574983).
Coronavirus Update 5/11/2020
From Sunday 8th November public worship is suspended, however our 10.45 service will continue as a live-stream in our Facebook Group and be available to watch later on our website.
'Zoom coffee' will resume at 11.45am.
Coronavirus Update 23/7/2020
From Sunday 26th July, we will have services in church at 8.30 and 10.45.
Please let us know if you plan to attend either service (contact Duncan Matheson, 01625 574983).
If attending at 10.45, please bring a face covering/mask.
Feel free to bring your own flasks, drinks etc for 'coffee in the church yard' afterwards (if fine).
Don't feel pressure to attend; we will live stream (and record) the whole 10.45 service, for watching live in our Facebook Group (or later).
'Zoom coffee' will also continue at 11.45.
Coronavirus Update 8/7/2020
We will be resuming our 8:30am service on Sunday 12th July, with a short service of morning prayer. Please have look at this briefing document as it explains some of the issues we need to be mindful of as we recommence meeting in church. It also gives contact details for you to let us know if you intend to attend. Our on-line services wil be live-streamed at 10:45am as usual in our Facebook Group.
Coronavirus Update 27/6/2020
Following the recent announcement that public worship can take place from the 4th of July, we are currently awaiting the detailed guidance from the government and the Church of England. When we have this we will work out how to apply the guidance in our own church building and services, and hope to return to having services in the building as soon as possible – although it is already clear that this will not be as soon as Sunday 5th July.
In the meantime, our very well-received online services will continue: and, indeed, we undertake that once services in the building recommence, they will continue to be streamed and recorded, for the benefit of any who are not able to attend in person.
With regard to weddings planned for the near future, we will endeavour to achieve clarity as quickly as possible. Any couples who have a forthcoming wedding, please do not hesitate to contact Pam, our Weddings Co-ordinator, for an update.
Coronavirus Update 19/3/2020
In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice.
Coronavirus Update 15/3/2020
Just to keep everyone informed: one or two changes to reduce risk in our gatherings.
We’ll only be using bread, not wine, in communion. Those handling the wafers are being extra strict about hygiene.
People will be offered the option of not using books (at 8.30), and, where possible, we will use the projector at 10.45.
Sadly, no handshakes, and no refreshments: I hope we will still spend time in fellowship, though.
Paper towels and antibacterial handwash will be available in the sink area – you are encouraged to give your hands a wash.
Some sanitiser gel will be available at the back of church – but you are encouraged to bring your own, too.
We won’t be passing round the plate – instead it will be available at the back for you to use (or set up that standing order you’ve been meaning to get round to!).
If at any point the vicar (David Swales) has to self-isolate, we might briefly have to go down to just one service on the Sunday morning.