David Swales retired at the end of July 2022.
Selected sermons from our on-line services:
3D: Supplementary Sermons
Welcome to '3D' - a series of 'nutritional supplements' for our Church Family during this period of meeting only virtually (online messaging, phone calls, letters, emails, online worship etc).
When I asked for ideas for a name, suggestions mostly fell into two categories; digging, and food. We are digging down deeper to find greater spiritual treasure; we are feeding on more solid spiritual food (c.f. 'You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is ...a child. But solid food is for the mature...' Hebrews, chapter 5).
In the end I chose the suggestion of a keen gardener, 'David Delves Deeper', but amended it to '3D'; partly because it doesn't make it all about me(!), but also because it also hints at the need for our faith to grow in all dimensions; deeper, wider and higher.
I do hope together we will indeed 'delve deeper'!
Dr. John Ryley
I'm delighted that our friend and preacher, John, has shared some of his great knowledge and love of the Bible and Christian belief. John is always forthright, and keen to challenge us and make us think about what we believe.
Nicene Creed
Letters to the Seven Churches
Previous talks