Home Groups
It is sometimes hard to get to know each other well by just attending church services; so in addition to our
regular Sunday worship, St. Christopher’s has a network of Home Groups which meet weekly in the homes of church
members. Joining a Home Group enables us to build friendships with each other and makes it easier to feel that
we belong in the church family. Home Groups meet for Bible study and prayer. They provide a place where we
can find support and encouragement as we seek to live for God day by day, and as we join with others in seeking to
help our friends to find faith in Christ.
Home groups currently meet on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8pm.
There is also a daytime group at 2pm on Wednesdays.
Little Doves
Term-time Mondays from 1:30pm until 3pm in Church
For parents and carers with babies, toddlers or pre-school children.
Play time with singing, craft activities and snacks - come and join the fun and fellowship.
Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays at 7pm in Church or on SPICE
Weekly prayer meeting - all welcome.
'Not Just Sunday'
Wednesdays at 11am
Midweek contemporary prayer service using the Wee Worship Book
Bell Ringing Practise
Thursday evenings from 7:30pm until 9pm in the Bell Tower.
Newcomers always welcome.
For more information contact Duncan Matheson on 574983
If you would like more information on any of these activities then please e-mail info@pottshrigleychurch.org.uk
or ask at any of our Sunday services.